Wednesday 5 April 2017


Re: Swimming Lessons 5th/6th Classes

Swimming Classes for 5th & 6th Classes commence on Friday next 28th April in Cavan Swimming & Leisure Complex for a period of eight weeks.  Bus will cost €5.00 per child each week (can be paid weekly).  The Parent Association is paying for the swimming lessons.We have requested a changing room for the boys separate to men’s changing area and swimming pool staff are facilitating us.   However, as the room is quite a distance from the pool and involves walking a corridor, the Manager insists as part of Child Protection/Health & Safety issues that when the boys are  walking to the swimming area they must be fully covered by a towel and they must wear flip-flops or swimming socks.The bus is leaving the school at 9.20am sharp and children are asked to have their swimming costumes on to save time.  Please do not send money with your child as there will be no opportunity to spend any.

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